
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Busy times in Room 11

Our term is racing by and we are looking forward to our Easter Break. We have been busy with lots of different activities in Room 11 over the last few weeks.

As part of our topic we went into the "Greenhithe Jungle" to hunt for minibeasts. Here are some writing samples about our adventure:

Room 11 went to the jungle on Wednesday and all 20 came out. We were entomologists because we were finding minibeasts.

On Wednesday I went in a jungle. I went with Room 11. I went because we were collecting minibeasts. I found ants. I found two ladybirds. I was excited.

First I ran around the path. Then I walked slowly. Then I found a wood louse. I was excited but before I could get everyone he scattered away.

Room 11 went to the jungle on Wednesday. We looked for minibeasts and insects. We did it because we are entomologists.


Thank you Constable Bluemel for coming to our school and teaching us how to be safe on our scooters. Here are some more writing samples:

Today Room 11 went down to scooter safety. We learned how to do the emergency stop. You have to jump off your scooter and take a few steps when you're holding it. Next it poured down with rain. We had to run to shelter.

I like scootering. Oh it started to rain. We were on the bottom court. We had to move quickly.

Our "Mathletics Wall of Fame" is looking a bit empty. Remember to keep practising your Mathletics every night and when you earn a silver or gold certificate it can go up on our classroom wall. Congratulations to Sabrina and Luke who have both earned silver certificates this year. Keep up the great learning!


Lastly, we are on the look out for the Easter Bunny to perhaps put a treat into our Easter baskets. If you see him please send him to Room 11.

Happy Easter to everyone from Room 11.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Places Room 29 Have Been This Term!

This term the Junior School have been looking at minibeasts!

Room 29 is full of budding entomologists!
 We are always keeping our eyes peeled for different insects in our school.

Our discovery time has been all about bugs! We have discovered so many new facts already.
Take a look at what we have been exploring.

We have been using magnifying glasses to take a closer look at amazing minibeasts. We have been looking at their head, thorax and abdomen up close! Insects all have 6 legs.
Cael, Will, Delton, and Islay used Lego to make their own insects.

Lawson, Rico, Milla and Portia have been using play dough to make model insects.

We have learned that some insects, like the bee, use special ways to send messages to each other.

Horton reading group read all about how bees dance to tell one another where great places to find nectar are. They wiggle and move their abdomens in different ways to send different messages. Imagine if we had to dance to tell people our ideas!

The Round Dance

 By Rico

Bees dance the round dance when food is within 25 metres of the hive.