Tuesday is a popular day in Room 11 because we get to go to the Discovery Room in the afternoon.

This week I observed the class busy choosing from a variety of activities, happily mixing with each other and playing cooperatively. The children were able to share, take turns and sort out problems.
It's great when learning we have been doing in Room 11 carries over into the Discovery Room. Ava decided to make a "Healthy food picnic" for us to share. She wrote some signs -
"This is healthy for you" and "This is not healthy."
When the picnic was ready we were reminded to eat healthy food first and then the children decided to sort the food into two groups, using Ava's signs, so that we could be sure to eat the healthy food.. Finally we were ready to enjoy our picnic!
Other activities I observed children taking part in during the afternoon included: dressing up, building, writing, drawing, imaginative play, board games and lots of fun. No wonder
Tuesday is such a popular day!
The Discovery room looks like a lot of fun! What a yummy healthy picnic :)
Max says he wishes he was there this Tuesday to see Ava's great signs as sometimes he forgets which are the healthy foods and eats his treats first! And his Mummy tells him off!
Max says he wishes he was there this Tuesday to see Ava's great signs as sometimes he forgets which are the healthy foods and eats his treats first! And his Mummy tells him off!
I love the sound of your 'Discovery Time.' Children definately learn so much through play. Thank you for sharing this special time with us.
Wow well done, we like to hear that you are taking turns when you are at discovery. Your activities looked like fun, especially sorting the food. From Room 28.
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