
Monday, 20 June 2016

Term 2 in Room 11

Term 2 in Room 11.

In Room 11 we have been working hard to add more detail to our writing. We are including our feelings in our writing to make it interesting for the reader. Here are some examples of our writing about the recent cross-country:

Yesterday we went to cross-country. At the start I felt happy because my Dad and Nana and Poppa were there. When I got to the middle I was exhausted. When I got to the end I was proud.

Yesterday we went to cross-country. I felt scared at the start. I ran my best. I fell over but I got up and ran. At the end I was puffed.


At the start of cross-country I felt angry because I didn't want to race. At the middle of the race I was exhausted. At the end of the race I felt hot and sweaty and tired and happy because the race was over.


Wow - our "Mathletics Wall of Fame" is certainly looking a lot fuller than it was last term! Keep up the great learning.     

Our science afternoon last Friday was a great opportunity to share what we have learned as scientists this term. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and siblings who were able to come and participate with us.

What's coming up in Room 11?
  • We are helping to lead the whole school assembly this Friday at 11.40am.
  • Next week is 'Mo Willem' week - lots of books about Piggie, Gerald and the Pigeon!
  • We will be joining with the other Year 1 classes to share the dancing we have been doing this term on Tuesday 28th June at 2.15pm in the hall.



Sunday, 19 June 2016

Cross Country

In week 5 we had our Junior School cross country. We trained very hard and it really paid off as we all did so well! We were so lucky to have lots of parents came along to cheer us on too! Thank you!

Here are just a few photos from the day.
If you have any great snaps of the day please feel free to email them through to your class teacher.