This term the artists in Room 27 enjoyed creating a self-portrait. They learnt how to mix hot and cold colours to create new colours for the background. Then worked out where to draw their eyes, nose and mouth on their faces.

This week we have been focusing on the area of a space. We spoke about the many different ways to find out the area. It was great to see what objects the children chose around the class to measure the area of their hands

We also had the ladies from Footsteps come to show us some dance moves. Our dance was called Best Years. It was great to see all the students get involved and do such an amazing job. Well done everyone!
We liked how you measured your hands. We have been learning how to measure the area of windows.
Your self portraits look just like you. You are great artists.
From Room 11
Wow Room 27 we are so impressed with the all the hard work you have been doing.
We love your colourful portrait backgrounds. You have blended the colours so well.
We are enjoying Footsteps too, we can tell Room 27 knows how to boogie!
From Room 29 :)
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