Room 3 is lucky enough to have two PMP sessions a week. PMP is a perceptual motor programme that is designed to help children to develop their understanding of movement and language as a basis for learning. The children work in small groups with an adult helper. However for the children in Room 3 it is all about learning and having fun.
I am bowling the ball. Jaxon
I am learning left and right. Jintian
I am crawling along the plank. Samuel Z
PMP is good for my body. Reagan
I love climbing up on the cube. Karlos
I like doing the monkey walk. Hunter
I like going through the shapes. Mia L
I like the moon hoppers because I am really good at it.
I like going next door
to do the scooter boards. Kathy
I like doing the motorbike jump. Zion
I like the rocker. Holly
We are trying to balance the rocker. Claire and Lexi
We are bouncing the ball in the hoop.
Max Mia L and Poppy 
We are doing heel toe on the line. Lexi Kathy Claire
We are doing bunny hops. Mia S Max
Room 3 is learning and having fun.